Saturday, December 26, 2009

Polymer Clay: Hearts

I received a large stash of books this Christmas.  And one of them was Polymer Clay Art.  I saw this project and had to try it right away.  This is a cane method of covering a base bead.  The cane uses translucent clay so the base shows through.  My results were not as good as the book because I am not good at thin slicing.  But I am still pleased with how mine came out.
I had a few problems: 1. browning of the clay, did I bake it too long? Temp was ok.  2. Sanded the layer right off and the base color popped out.  Watch what your doing while sanding.  3. There is jeweler's rouge on the buffing wheel and it discolored the clay.  I scraped it off and repolished by hand.  The buffing wheel I have is old, from my grandfather, so the wheel is old and used.  Buy a new wheel.
Also Christi Friesen has a new steampunk book out, I must have it.

Keep experimenting


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