Thursday, October 8, 2009

Cross Stitch: The Castle

Here is the completed Teresa Wenzler "The Castle". This took 10 years to finish. It is the first cross stitch project I ever started. Why did I pick such a hard thing to make? I just had to have it. But it certainly was not instant gratification. I made other projects in between including another dragon that I finished in a year. This project was hard because it has tweading and very fine shading. Tweading requires you to thread two different colors onto your needle. The shading requires many color changes. Requiring you to keep threading your needle.

Many people have come up with work arounds for this type of design. Some thread needles ahead of time and put them in a card with the graph symbol. Some people use parking. This means they leave the needle threaded, park it somewhere out of the way and start a new needle to sew a new color. Some people just leave the thread hanging loose while they start another color on the needle. These methods make it easier to go back and forth with the colors.

People also sew a 10 by 10 grid into there fabric with contrasting thread. This helps you follow the chart solving counting mistakes. I use this method on almost every project now since I always make counting mistakes. I have also tried the parking method. I use a strong magnet in the corner of the fabric and stick the needle to it while I stitch with a new color.

Lately I have worked on smaller projects and I also tried my hand at framing them. Saving at least 50-100$ a piece for custom framing. I was surprised how well I did. But I still have several special projects that need the royal treatment.

This was done on 14 count aida with DMC floss.

Happy Blogging

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