Monday, October 12, 2009

DnD: The Heroes

These minis represent a core band of heroes from my Greyhawk campaign.  These guys made it to 12 level.

From left to right they are: Alabern human cleric, Thamior elven fighter/monk, Eleros halfling rogue, Larian human wizard, Erky dwarf fighter.

Later in the campaign they are joined by a barbarian and a young silver dragon  They are unpainted minis though.

These are Reaper minis except for the elf which is Games Workshop from the LOTR line.  Reaper minis are great because they are so iconic to DnD or fantasy gaming.

Thamior is played by my step brother. And Thamior meets each of these characters on his adventures.  Thamior saves Alabern from some orcs in his first adventure from the basic box.  He later meets Eleros in an adventure in the basic box.  He meets Larian  and Erky in the sunless Citadel.  Eric played all of these characters when he couldn't find anyone else to play.  We played for about a year.

The game was played in 3.0 and 3.5 edition of DnD.  Now 4.0 is a year or so old and I just got the books.  I can't convert all the characters over to 4.0 because there is no monk class in the game yet.  What a bother.  It is just a way a forcing you to buy more books.  The monk may be in the soon to come player handbook 3 or it is in the Forgotten realms book.  Who knows? Can anyone tell me?

Enough of a rant.  The 4.0e is good, it is different, but it is good.  The fights should be much better.  Everything seems easier for a beginner DM and new players.  It has enough combinations to make experienced players happy.  Although customization for characters is lacking.

The Wotc website has a link for podcasts that are of a beginner game.  I have been listening to them and learning.  I have been reading two blogs.  One is the Chatty DM and one is the Newbie DM.  They have some great articles that teach you how to DM.

I might be able to get in a game as a player at the local game store.  It is Living Forgotten Realms open game.  The next thing I want to do is start my own game.  There are two groups I can approach for players but I doubt I'll get any takers.  Maybe the forgotten realms group has some players.  Last resort is to advertise at the game store.  But I don't like the idea of total strangers.

Go Gaming!

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