Monday, October 12, 2009

Stained Glass: Bat Signal

Here is the stained glass version of the bat signal.  I pulled the pattern off of a comic book.  I made it using a stained glass diamond band saw.  It took some effort to get the pieces to fit together.  It also was not easy to foil tape since the tape rips in sharp corners.  Then you have to patch the bare spots.  It came out pretty good.

Some people don't understand the stained glass process.  First off you don't stain the glass.  Unless you actually make the glass.  You buy colored glass that you want for your project.  Then you cut the glass to the shapes in the pattern.  Then since I am not an old timer I grind the glass to fine tune the fit and take all the sharp edges off the glass.  From there I assemble it using foil or "Lead" method.  Next solder it. Clean the panel. And possible patina the solder.  And polish the solder.  Then hang it up!  It is tons of work but with mind blowing results!

Keep cutting!

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