Sunday, October 11, 2009

Polymer Clay: Sunset

These are polymer clay sunset pendants.  I made these using a technique based on Skinner blends and Look At blends.  I took 5 colors overlapping and ran the sheet thru the pasta machine on  1.  I folded several times so they would mix paying attention to the results until I saw a picture I liked.  I also made a layer of black clay for the back to thicken it.  I used a cookie cutter to make the shape.  I made twisted loops and inserted them into the clay layers.  Baked. Pulled the twisted loops out and crazy glued them back in.  I made wire links with glass beads to make a necklace with one of the pendants.

I found some blue and purple beads that match the pendants closely and will use them in the future to make necklaces.
I sold two of these, I made five total, one to a friend and one to my step mother.  Cool!

Happy Claying!

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